Sunday, May 10, 2015

University of Washington vs Washington State University Dual Track Meet

Saturday was a busy day. The morning was kicked off with the 29th Annual Windermere Cup down at the Montlake Cut. After navigating around Lake Union due to the Montlake Bridge conveniently being up for 3 hours after the Windermere Cup, I made it to Husky Track Stadium!

I missed some of the field events, but it wasn't the worst. I got there in time to see the end of the men's 3000m steeplechase, which I knew I wanted to photograph. I was able to capture the women jumping over the water pit, which I am bummed I missed for the men's race.

It was difficult choosing what field events I wanted to photograph. I was able to make it to the pole vault for a bit, a couple jumps at the long jump pit and the high jump for a bit.

The meet was a runaway victory for the UW men's team!

The UW women's team battled to defeat WSU, but was much closer than the men's team.

One thing I love about track is capturing the emotions of a victory after the race!

Having run with Colby Gilbert in middle school and against him in high school, I knew how talented he was, but it's awesome to see him competing at the collegiate level. He competed in the men's 3000m. During the first half of the race he stayed in the back of the pack. During the 4th lap, he made a solid move on the corner turn to move up to the middle. He finished off a strong 3rd lap and began making his move with about 800m left just like he did in middle school and high school. He won the 3000m handily beating the rest of the field by about 100m.

I'm sad I won't be able to make the meet next weekend, but the first track meet is in the books and I'll be back next year!

Sean Brown is a nationally featured high school senior photographer based out of Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR. If you're interested in booking a session or would like more information, please use the contact link on his website. Sean is now booking sessions for the Class of 2016.

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