Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Sky Full of Color

After getting back from San Diego and being disappointed by the lack of color in the sunsets, the Washington sunsets did not disappoint! I was out playing golf with my dad earlier that evening and mentioned that the sunset was going to be awesome tonight. There were clouds in the sky and the light looked just right. As we got back home, I quickly grabbed my camera and headed over to a school park close to my house to get some better shots than what I could get from my backyard. I like these two shots for the colors that I was able to get when properly exposing for the sky and keeping the foreground elements in shadow, which is the effect I was going for.

Heading back, I looked and saw some writing in chalk along one of the brick walls of the school. "DUDE. be nice." Months earlier, a guest speaker came to one of the local middle schools to tell them about his story of change for the better. He gave a call to action to help make their school and community a little bit better by making changes to treat others better. Check out the "DUDE. be nice." apparel line and Mike Smith, the guest speaker that came to help represent the "DUDE. be nice" apparel brand.

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