Monday, February 2, 2015

Chihuly Garden and Glass

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to spend time with my family as they came up to visit the Seattle area and see some friends (and I guess to spend a little time with me...). We took some time to visit the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit at the Seattle Center right next to the Space Needle. It was a cloudy day, but luckily most of the art is inside. This is different than the Tacoma Museum of Glass and MUCH cooler! 

The museum is a collection of some of Chihuly's best work. The museum features all black walls and really shows how vibrant the glass is.

One of my favorite rooms was the room where the ceiling had glass displays that showcased various pieces of Chihuly's work and had lights that illuminated the glass. This was the one room that had white walls and showcased the colors perfectly against the walls.

Other works had the lighting designed around the glass to showcase it and even built lights into some of the pieces such as the "chandeliers".

An aspect of Chihuly's work that he tries to incorporate into all his work is to make people question whether the glass is made by nature or by man. In some of the videos that were showing in the theatre, he kept bringing up the fact that he loves working to put his glass in greenhouses and being inspired by nature. This was showcased outside the museum landscape. 

My favorite was the all glass conservatory which showcased a giant snaking glass structure with a view of the Space Needle. 

As we were leaving, we took a trip up the Space Needle. While it was foggy and the views weren't great, I was able to witness my first wedding on the observation deck! The couple and bridal party wore all Seahawks gear too. 

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