Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Seattle Great Wheel

As I wrap up the end of the quarter at school, it was time to finally take the time and head to a spot that I wanted to photograph all quarter. I headed downtown with my friend Lucas (who coincidentally I met through photography!) and we both set our cameras up to take some night shots. The shot I wanted was a photograph of The Seattle Great Wheel at night while it was all lit up. 

We got there about an hour before sunset, so that Lucas could set up for a time lapse and I could figure out the best spots to set up. As we were walking around, I wanted to try different vantage points.

I ultimately settled on a spot across from the wheel on the pier. This would allow me to have the skyline in frame and shoot over the water, which would give some nice color to the picture.

As the night was winding down, I wanted to try a new vantage point. I moved over to the pier and used this as a foreground element. I think I like this one the best out of the two as it is just a more interesting photo in my opinion. 

It was a nice change of pace to get out and take a break from studying for finals and just enjoy lovely Seattle! It wasn't even raining, so that's a plus, right? :) I think these photos served as a great reminder just how pretty the city I live in can be. 

Also, be sure to check out Lucas' photo page to see the stellar work he's putting together!

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