Sunday, December 28, 2014

Exploring New Photography Locations in Portland, OR

Even though it has been a busy time with the holidays, I have still been trying to find time to get some photography in. While I am out, I am constantly looking for new locations that I think might be perfect for portraits. I came across an area in downtown Portland that I thought might work out well to give the best backgrounds for industrial themed high school senior portraits. After just recently getting my Canon 70-200 2.8 IS II USM, I have been trying to get used to using this lens and thought it would be a prime opportunity to test out this location. I headed out with a couple willing subjects and off we went! 

We got down there and I spent the first few minutes checking out the area. I found a couple spots that I really liked and so we headed over to these. This was more industrial, which was a background I was looking to add to my list of high school senior portrait locations. 

One thing about this location that I loved was how the blue wall contrasted beautifully with the light wood of the plywood. We headed down a little bit and I found another location that gave a completely different look! Upon editing, I wasn't really liking the red color that the wall was giving off and decided to go black and white with these.

I was amazed at how many different looks I could get in such close locations! This other wall was just around the corner and I came away with some of my favorite images of the day from this background.

After a quick outfit change, I headed to where we had parked our cars because I saw a piece of decoration made of some sort of rock that would be great for portraits. We went and checked this out and later headed down a path to explore some more natural locations.

While we were out, we had to grab a couple photos of the brothers together. We took brother shots throughout the shoot. All I can say is that these two were naturals in front of the camera!!

It was great to be able to have a fun time while out location scouting. These guys seriously were awesome and so helpful for coming out to "model" for me. At the end of the shoot, we were having fun and Liam decided to pick up his older brother. I think this is my favorite image just because it shows who they are and their relationship as brothers. It's pretty cool to see how the images turn out when your subjects are having just as much fun in front of the camera as you are having behind it. :)

If you would like to book a session or see more of my work, head on over to my website at and remember to use the Email subscribe button up on the side menu of this page to keep up with my blog.

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Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR High School Senior Portraits and Family Photography

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