Saturday, November 8, 2014

Around Campus-- University of Washington

Looking back over the last few blog posts, I realized that I had been on the field a lot. While I love sports photography, I wanted to step back into capturing what's around me other than just what's on the field. What better way to do this than a walk through my campus at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington?

While the weather has been a little stormy over the past week, we did have a stretch of gorgeous weather right before the weekend. I grabbed my camera and just headed around campus to various locations to capture the day. First stop was Suzzallo Library.

Suzzallo Library is ranked as one of the top libraries on a college campus as well as in the world by various publications each year.

Suzzallo Library

While the outside architecturally is beautiful, the inside has just as much detail put into it. The main reading room is said to remind people of one of the rooms straight out of Harry Potter and Hogwarts Castle.

Staircase leading to the Suzzallo reading room.

Reading Room-Suzzallo Library
 After heading to Suzzallo, I stopped by a couple of the other lesser known buildings around campus. The first was the MOLES building, which is one of the newer science buildings on campus. The MOLES building is more contemporary but is contrasted with a more traditional style of architecture right across the street displayed in Architecture Hall.

MOLES Building

Architecture Hall
Having not taken physics at the University yet, I stopped by the physics building, which is known for having sculptures and other art pieces related to discoveries in physics. The sculptures are designed to resemble "p-orbitals" found in chemical molecules and waveforms, which are relevant to many areas of science.

Heading to the north end of campus, I swung by the Law Library. This is another one of the newer buildings on campus along with Paccar Hall, home to the Foster School of Business. 

The UW Law Library

Paccar Hall--Foster School of Business
Right next to Paccar is Denny Hall. Denny Hall during the early years of the University of Washington served as the building for all of the University's administration. This is now used for other purposes, but still serves as a historic icon near the center of campus.

I had to walk by Memorial Way to see the "W". Memorial Way is one of the only roads that leads straight into campus and many visitors and alumni are greeted by the big "W" statue in the median.

It wouldn't be a walk around campus without visiting the Quad. The Quad at UW is the most photographed location on the planet during springtime. For a week or so, all of the trees lining the quad are blooming and it is a beautiful display of cherry blossoms. While it wasn't spring and there were no cherry blossoms, I still believe that it's just as magnificent in the setting fall sunlight. 

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